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Mystic Launcher

The best Minecraft launcher – with Mod support and countless optimizations.
Designed to improve your experience on Mystic Network & Affiliates.

Choose a version for your Operating System:

Windows MacOS Linux


See what we have to offer in comparison with
traditional Minecraft launchers.

Optimized Experience

Boost your FPS – supercharge Minecraft!

Thanks to additional modifications, we were able to implement various different optimizations to make Minecraft run smoother on almost any computer.

Built–in Mods

Get the most out of Minecraft with Mods!

There are dozens of mods, some of them being toggleable. Simply pick the mods you like, disable the ones you don't – and launch the game!

Free to Play

Who needs to pay to play? You don't.

The Launcher natively supports Microsoft and Offline accounts. This means that you don't have to own a purchased copy of Minecraft to play!

Clean Interface

Simple and easily understandable to all.

The interface is modern and simple – even your 7 year-old cousin can take a grasp of it! We made sure it doesn't contain any unnecessary features.

Multiple Languages

We probably have your language, too!

Our amazing community has provided many different localizations over time. You can easily change your Launcher language in settings.

Smart Integration

Automatically integrates into partnered servers.

The Launcher communicates with partnered servers and automates processes. Forget about logging in, unnecessary waiting time, and more!


See what system requirements must be met
to successfully run the Launcher.

Java Installed on System

The Launcher requires Java to run Minecraft Java Edition. If you don't have Java already installed, the Launcher will ask you to install it automatically.

Memory Requirements

The Launcher requires at least 3GB of RAM, 8GB+ is recommended. You might run into issues with less than 3GB of RAM. Storage of 300MB+ is required.

Internet Connection

The Launcher is communicating with Microsoft and partnered servers. To play online, you need to be connected to the Internet.